
Sunday, July 5, 2009

5lbs in 5 days challenge

This week is a week of refocusing myself . I said 5 lbs in 5 days and so far so good. Whats the point you ask? Well I've realized that I'm not pushing myself hard enough in my workouts. I'm getting to that place where the things that used to be hard are now easy and I got really comfortable in the now easier workouts because I earned it right? WRONG! Its called a WORKout because you need to WORK. Today I've been burning mad calories, I did 2 hours of swimming in the ocean and am just getting ready to go for a run. This week is less about the actual lbs, and more about remembering the commitment I made to myself and testing my new limits. Who's ready to test theirs?


Mesha said...

dude, i totally can't wait until I can "run." that's an inspiration to me right there. keep up the good work Alexis, I can't wait to say I've hit the 100lb mark. I'm trying to by the end of August because of a "challenge" from my water aerobics instructor - we'll see. I hope I can make it though. I need to reach 75lbs by July 22nd also to win a small side bet with my best friend. i like competition. have a great week....stay focused.

Lexy said...

awesome! I love competition too haha yeah running has been very liberating for me, hopefull you'll find enjoyment in it too!!

Anonymous said...

I am ready! READY READY READY! This is just what I needed to read today, Alexis! THANKS! = ) I am going to put one extra work out in there and possibly head to the Y tonight to put an hour swim in the mix! WOOT WOOT! =) YOU ROCK!

Michelle said...

Great post Alexis!! Do you wear a heart rate monitor? I've found I workout harder when I wear one than when I go by my perceived exertion.

You're doing such a great job!

P.S. I hope to join the 100lbs loss club in the next couple of weeks :)

Valerie said...

My running is more "bouncing" right now...but how cool would it be if all of us set a goal to run a half marathon in a year or so? They have a great one at Disney. Someone tell me if they would want to!! My blog is at

Lexy said...

Valerie, My friend and I Are planning on running the Honolulu Marathon in 2 years. I'd love it if we could do a team full of people! I'm using this first year to focus just getting more weight off me and then next year I will finish training for the marathon!

Mesha said..., so I'm totally starting to think i'm WAY behind in my work out accomplishments because I can't even dream of running a marathon at this point of my journey. Hmmm...*shrug* how in the world are you guys building up your endurance? i'm proud of my walking accomplishments, but it's definately no jog. *sigh*

Lexy said...

Mesha, i'm no were near a marathon right now, thats why I gave myself 2 years. I started jogging by doing intervals, jog 30 seconds and walk a min jog 30 seconds and walk a min. then increase the time you do that, then increase the time you jog and shorten the time you walk and before you know it, you'll be jogging!

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