
Wednesday, October 6, 2010

The Fat Runner!

Today something amazing happened... I had an interview with Patch Media after work today, they found me by word of mouth through Team in Training and wanted to follow my marathon training so I agreed. I thought today I'd be sitting down with a reporter and we'd chat a bit about my weight loss and about team in training but what happened today was just about the most awesome thing EVER! I was asked to become the new voice of runners and weight loss for Patch Media... AHHHHH I still can't believe it! In less then 2 years I've gone from knocking on death's door from obesity to now I've been hired to talk about my experience as a runner and future marathoner... CRAZY!!!! What makes me excited the most is that I get to be a representative for Team in Training without them, I would not be who I am today. I got choked up twice today, once while talking about my first "workout" of struggling to walk around the block and secondly when I talked about what Team in Training means to me. I was asked why I joined team in training? and I gave the most honest answer. I said I joined at first for selfish reasons, I was being given coaches and support to train and I knew I would benefit from it but once I showed up and learned about the mission of Team in Training and spent time with my Teammates who have personal stories of friends, family, and even themselves that have fought blood cancers.... Team in Training stopped become something different, my goal stopped becoming to finish the marathon, it became about being a better Teammate, becoming a stronger advocate for the mission and sharing the spirit of Team in Training with everyone I meet. Tonight will be my first blog with Patch and I could not be more excited!


sam said...

congrats Alexis, you are an inspiration!

Josie said...

Congratulations, that is amazing and I am really happy for you!

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