
Friday, May 28, 2010

Lift Your Head Up to See

I read a lot of weight loss blogs and there's one thing that really annoys me about them... why is it that everyone waits until the week they've gained weight to talk about " its the journey that counts" but as soon as they lose some pounds its back to being " woohoo weight loss!"?!? Its like they're walking around with their eyes looking at the ground and it isn't until they run into something that they decide to look up. Let me tell you something, it is about the journey no matter if it was a good week on the scale or a bad week. I had a fantastic week on the scale with a 4lb loss and yes thats exciting but it wasn't the highlight of my week, not even close! The highlights of my week was taking time to put together outfits to wear this weekend that looked nice on me and get the nails done... That might sound odd but for the first time in my life, I am seeing myself as someone worthy of taking the time to look nice. Those are the things that don't show up on the scale. Health is so far beyond what the scale says. Its who we are, its who is around us and how we interact with the world. We cannot forget this and only remember when we're not successful on the scale. If your not focusing on healthy relationships, healthy environments, healthy families, healthy communities then your missing the big picture. I said this once, I'll say it a million times, Only 5% of people who lose significant weight will keep it off... 5%! If you want to be in that 5%, you need to lift your head up and see the bigger picture long before you bump into something!


Unknown said...

I'm not sure I agree with your 5%. I cringe when I read that, because I think it discourages people. And also, it applies to people who don;t have massive amounts of weight to lose.

But you are totally right, it is always about the journey. And for me looking good goes a long way! Embracing myself as a woman has done more for my loss and maintenance than I could have ever imagined. Glad you to hear that getting cuted up is something you enjoy! It does not sound odd to me at all.

By the way, how is the knee?

Lexy said...

the 5% is an actual number that people need to be aware of. Pretending like it doesn't exists is preparing yourself to fail. If anything, it should be more encouragement to make a real plan beyond just losing the pounds. Thats the message, its not about the weight you lose, its about the lifestyle you live. And the knee is holding up really well thanks. I have my first marathon coming up in Oct. and so far so good.

Mesha said...

...5%...i believe I told you that. ;) You're doing great Lex, keep it up! The journey is ups, downs and everything in between. A lot to be learned on the journey...a lot to absorb and a lot will stick with us for the rest of our lives...I told someone the other day that this is more than passing some SAT test or graduating college...this is something that will forever change our lives and that of those around us if they'll let it...but it's got a greater impact on my life than almost any other road I've travelled set aside from the one I have with Christ.

Glad you are travelling it and mapping the course quite well might I add.

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